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General FAQ

This FAQ page answers some of the more commonly asked questions from the DipoleSwap community.

Is DipoleSwap safe? Has DipoleSwap been Audited?​

See for yourself:

  • Check out these DipoleSwap security audits:
    • TrustLook's security audit of DipoleSwap
  • Transparent:
    • We’re built on open-source software: our site and all our Smart Contracts are publicly visible for maximum transparency.
    • Our contracts are verified on PlatScan so you know that what you see is what you get
  • Security best practices:
    • Our contracts’ time-lock gives you peace of mind.

How can I stake LAT?​

You can stake your LAT in DipoleSwap Pools. Visit the Pools page.

Read our How to Stake in Pools guide if you'd like a hand getting started with staking.

What is the difference between staking and farming?​

Staking in Pools and farming with Yield Farming are both ways to earn more LAT by supporting DipoleSwap.

Staking only needs some LAT to be added to a Pool to earn other tokens. Learn more about Pool staking.

Farming is more complicated and needs LP Tokens to earn LAT. Learn more about Yield Farming.

How do I farm?​

We have a Yield Farming guide if you're interested in learning how to farm.

How do I connect my wallet to PlatON Network and DipoleSwap?​

We have a Connect Your Wallet to DipoleSwap guide covering this in detail.

What's the best wallet for DipoleSwap?​

It depends on your needs. We have an in-depth guide to selecting and creating a wallet that's right for you.

Why is my transaction failing?​

You can check the status of a transaction on

Our Troubleshooting Errors guide may have a solution for your problem if you're having issues.

When will you open more pools?​

New Pools are added to DipoleSwap frequently. There will always be an announcement before the launch of new pools.

Join the announcements Telegram group to learn about new Pools as early as possible.

Did Farm APR calculation change?​

Previously, rewards earned by LP Token-holders generated from trading fees were not included in Farm APR calculations. APR calculations now include these rewards, and better reflect the expected APR for Farm pairs.

How can I report a bug?​

Learn about our bug bounty and potential bounty payouts.

Where can I view smart contracts?​

Learn how to find smart contracts on our Finding Contracts page.

I can't find an answer for my question. Where do I find an answer?​

If you can't find what you're looking for in DipoleSwap's documentation, ask your question on DipoleSwap's official social media platforms and someone will do their best to help you out.